Saturday, October 18, 2008

PART 5 (CHAPTER 6) -ACADEMIC WRITING- A Graduation Ceremony

To become a group of Selangor International Islamic University College’s graduates, students must participate in a graduation ceremony. For this ritual, students must register their name at the register counter which near to the Convocation Hall. Next, they must enter to the hall in wearing the green robes and black caps. After that, they enter to the hall based on their course during the “selawat” tape is being played. Then they must sit together with their ex-classmates in the Convocation Hall. Next, while they listen speeches from the Chancellor and Deputy of Chancellor about their future. After that, the Dean of faculty calls each student’s name. When the students hear their name, they walk up and across the stage. Then they take their scrolls of diploma which a certificate of completion their diploma. After that, they shake hands with their chancellor while the cameramen will capture their picture. At this point, the students become a group of Selangor International Islamic University College’s graduates on the stage with other members.

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