Saturday, October 18, 2008

F) Making connection.~Chapter 5

We have several an Islamic ceremonies in Malaysia. A wedding is an example of Islamic ceremony. It also called as a rite of passage that shows a change in person’s life. As we know, rites of passage have three stages in the ritual. That is separation, transaction and incorporation.

The stage of separation in Islamic wedding, a person who wants to marriage must change their action and habits before their marriage. In this case, girls who are a fiancée should less their activity to meet their fiancé.

The second stage is a transition. In this stage, they need to learn how to be a good wife or husband. They learn it between groups because they leave separate from a group. It also can help them in process of learning. In Islamic, they need to attend a class before they marriage.

In the last stage, they were find a new role or responsibility to marriage. In this stage they region a group again. That means they allowed to meet their couple after the wedding ceremony.

In this ceremony, the bride and bridegroom will wear special clothing. An example, the bride wears a white wedding dress with a scarf at her head. The clanging task in this ritual the time during prepares the food for guest who will participate in this ceremony.

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